Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sign of the times?

"LIAR"..... is what I called a friend whom I haven't spoken to
in QUITE some time now, when he told me that he missed
talking to me.

Well, I know he isn't lying. The current pace of life and the
weird problems we face these days makes us so depressed (!?)
that we go into our shells so deep that even we don't realize
how depressed we are. How many times have you promised
to call a friend and have not done it for like weeks or even
months? Can you count the number of occasions you have
turned down an offer to socialize cos you didn't feel up to it?!
There can be many such examples, but I think you get the point.

No, don't give me the standard excuse of not having enough time.
Didn't you have time when you were young? Traffic is not a good
enough reason either. You will beat the peak-hour traffic if you
desperately want to go some place. Phone-bills? There are cheaper
ways to keep in touch these days. So you see, there is no reason
for us to not keep in touch. But we don't! And its everybody.. for
some reason or the other.

Have our lives becomes so unbearable? Have we become so numb
that we don't want to put efforts to revive it? I know some of you
might say we do socialize on occasions... a wedding, a party, a picnic
or a funeral. But it stops at that doesn't it ? Not to mention how exhausted
we are at the end of it all. How many times do we actually meet/call
up friends and come back satisfied after a 5 min chat?
It used to happen more often earlier than now.. no?

Or is it just me in my age-blues?! :-) Donno.

Whatever... I miss the heart-to-heart with a simple soul... the
laughter and fun and the serious talks over ultimate Margarita's :-(
The silver lining numbs the pain a little for now.. Hope to catch up
on good ol' times in the Coffee Houses of Holland soon ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

इन रेशमी राहों में... एक राह तो वो होगी... तुम तक तो पहोंचती हे और इस मोड़ से भी जाती हो...
