Thursday, October 29, 2015

Letting go...

We should be willing to LET GO of the life we have planned...
so as to have the life that is WAITING FOR US....

Its hard to live by it, but you gotta do it...

Friday, October 23, 2015

Need and want

God doesn't give us what we WANT... but he does provide what we NEED!

Sure it is hard to accept it at times...

Wednesday, October 07, 2015


Oh... the collateral that adulthood demands!
Brain corrosion... via decision making.. small decisions, big decisions, important decisions, not so important decisions !!
Decision whether to take a decision or not !

I was never one of those who yearned for their care-free childhood days and had fond thoughts of it or would give an eye and tooth to get it back. Don't get me wrong.. I had a normal childhood, but just that I like adulthood and the responsibilities that come with it as well.

But the irony in that above paragraph is the whole point of this post! I wish adulthood were a little simpler... and touchwood (!) I have had a very simple life so far. But sometimes, just sometimes....
I wonder what it would be like if we didn't have to take tough calls, hard decisions, decisions that could turn our own and other peoples' lives around.
On the other hand I believe adulthood can be simpler.. it is us who make it difficult... and you know why - cos we want to have our cake and eat it too !

So we just have to pick and choose... not so difficult anymore then.