Monday, September 29, 2008


Yippie!! Finally visited the famous Oktoberfest. Don ask me the
no-brainer "Did you have Beer?".. Cos I did not .. well technically
I sipped on the famous German Bier.. but as usual couldn't develop
the taste for it inspite of the 'beery' atmosphere. Yeah... think I will
never be able to enjoy a cool bottle on a hot day.

Anyhow.. it was good being at the Oktoberfest. Never saw SO MANY
Germans together and that too in their traditional attire and such
a lovely mood :-P No offense, but I think Germans are tight lipped
until they sip on a few bier's!

Back to the fest... The tents were literally huge... seating more than
2000 or so people. There was music and though they played songs
from different cultures/countries it was never boring.. they kept the
crowd rocking and asking for more. I especially loved the "Ein Prosit"
that they kept playing after almost every song. The songs were good
and peppy and the band and some of their ways to play (with a whip)
music were interesting to watch. I think the band has a double agenda...
to keep the crowd entertained and interested in them as well cos service
is not usually that quick when you have to serve like 2000+ people. :)

Oh I forgot to mention sturdy and strong German women! Believe me you,
its not easy to hold 6 huge krugs with 2 hands!!

Food.... well, it all looked very nicely decorated and tempting - but sadly
too bland to the palate of an Indian! I think I should be a little more adventurous.

Well thats the story inside the tents... outside is a little different.
Same people, same bier and same gaiety... but with roller coasters and
rides and horses and what not.

The weather was good and it felt really good to be outside.. ofcourse I
wish I didnt have to carry my drunk friend home.. else I could have
enjoyed a little more. But there's always a second time ;)

So am hoping I can make it to the fest sometime this week again. Lets see.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


जैसे कोई हौले से पास बुलाये..........
कैसी मीठी बातें थी वो कैसी मुलाकातें थी वो
जब मैंने जाना था नज़रों से कैसे पिघलते है दिल
और आरजू पाती हैं कैसे मंजिल और ....
कैसे उतरता हैं चाँद है ज़मीन पर
कैसे कभी लगता हैं स्वर्ग अगर हैं तो बस हैं यहीं पर
उसने बताया मुझे और समझाया मुझे
हम जो मिले हैं हमे ऐसे ही मिलना था
गुल जो खिले हैं उन्हें ऐसे ही खिलना था
जनमों के बंधन जनमों के रिश्ते हैं
जब भी हम जन्मे तो हम यूँही मिलते हैं ....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Today was a good day..

Did not have the time to look up from my busy schedule..
The first break I took was at 4pm after starting work at 8am..
and here i am back home at 12 in the night and looking fwd (??)
to getting screwed (pardon my French!) again tomorrow morning
starting 6-7am!?

I am sure the physical deliveries are much less demanding and painful.

But yea it was a good day cos it felt good to go back to doing some
unix shell scripting and stuff. Was less maddening that fighting idiots
or answering stupid questions or convincing a stubborn client.
Every job has its pressures, no doubt. I think it always feels good to
live "a day in the life of xxx" for 1 day ONLY! :)

Nighty night for now.. got a long day tomorrow.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Its been a strange week .. but very entertaining.
Got 2 poems as response to 2 of my posts.
FINALLY was able to spend my Friday evening at a
disc and shake a leg!! Felt like ages since I did that, sigh!

Got hit upon by quite a handful men and though I felt
flattered about it (wow!), the last one of them kinda creeped me out.
If only guys knew to be subtle :-P

So, yeah.... interesting week.. not at work though.
Work is as usual frustrating, though this week should see
almost the last of this phase. Have a big delivery coming up
next Friday, but boy, the labor pain I went through in the
past 3 months does not match even 2 deliveries! Gosh!

Tomorrow is the start of another gruelling week and I hope
to keep myself sane! :)