Thursday, February 28, 2013

A week of lost & found

Crazy week this one.. never happened things happening...

Dropped my purse one afternoon on my way to catch some lunch.
Thankfully a good Samaritan returned it and I was DELIGHTED !!

Then today.. forgot my cell some place.. looked for it whole afternoon..
finally found it and more sound than I needed :)

Been a week to start believing in the good in people I guess !!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Age Risk

Wonder why our appetite for risk goes down as our age goes up !
I think it should increase as we grow in life.. with experiences, emotions, 
material wealth, success, fame even!

Agreed, we have a quite some to lose if the consequences are not thought
through.. but the experiences we gather by age should help us take 
calculated risks with confidence. That though is not always the case and hence a reason to blog about it !