Saturday, August 01, 2009


With the multitasking I am doing since being back.
And to top it was the task of filing IT Returns.

I decided to fill it up on my own this year... but alas!
The govt's policy of alleviating unemployment starts
with the ITR form. They have made it so complex and
tricky that an individual cannot fill it out on his/her own
(if you are not the "naak-ki-seedh me chalnewala" types) -
without the help of an expert! So finally went to the expert
and did my bit to help the govt in their "reduce unemployment"

I hoped to relax on Saturday...but sigh... there's work to
do today as well :-(

I hope to have fun tomorrow though. My friend is a member
of the Bullet (Royal Enfield) club in town and we are gonna
enjoy the "Monsoon Madness" event. It's an event sponsored
by Suzlon and I am excited to catch up on the windmills in
India. Excited to be using my camera again after a long break.

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