Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Solitude comes at a premium... which I am ready to pay,
but please let me get some!

Well I recently realised I belong to an eccentric clan. According
to Mr.Shantaram there are people who can never live in a crowd,
with people. The intensity of their affection for someone can be seen
if they let some of their friends and family to stay overnight.. but thats
about it. They can't have more of the other species. Apparently I
am one of them - who can't live with people for longer durations. And
believe you me longer durations can mean 3-4 days. Yeah!!
Ok, it's not that I hadn't realised this earlier. I was and still am very aware
of my limitations (according to the world). Just that I was glad to know
I am not a weirdo ;)

A friend of mine put this very beautifully. He is an extrovert whereas I am
an introvert. He needed people around him to stimulate him while I needed
to be with myself after I met people - to be myself. So he said that he drew
his energy from the other people whereas I drew it from within - which is
very true. Nothing wrong or right about it. It is just a matter of how you are.

Anyway. I have had enough of the chatter around me and would die to get
some silence around. But think I dont have to go that extreme. Hitting the bed
will do. Night....

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