Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New acquaintance

My mom is around to support me during my health concern
related to my backbone. So its a re-acquaintance with my
mother-tongue (pun intended) :-P
There is an overdose of Marathi and marathi channels in
my life these days. Here is a list of what has become an
integral part of everyone's daily lives (including rural india
at times) with the actual words in the language.

Vaiyaktik aayushya - Personal life
Saraav - Practise
Paathicha kana - Backbone
Vivaran - Explanation, elaboration
Praastavik - Introduction
Zaahiraat - Advertisement
Niga - Look after, take care of
Aacharan - Behaviour
Savistar Vrutta - Detailed report
Paatalyantri - Plotter, derogatory
Karasthani - See Paatalyantri
Kagadopatri - On paper
Shikkamortab - Stamped and sealed
Havaaman Khate - Weather Bureau
Dhrushtikshep - range of vision, glance
Paahunchar - Hospitality
Krutrim - Artificial
Dwaad - Brat, mischievous brat
Khijganati - not exactly sure what this means,
but apparently it is something trivial
Khatri - Sureness
Kaayada aani suvyavasthata - Law and order
Halgarjipana - Carelessness

Akkalkhati gahaan - Written off due to stupidity,
used when you have acted dumb and lost
Pain in the a** - Awaghad jaagicha dukhana

Though some of these are hilarious to read and hear
it is a refreshing break from the nonsensical chatter
around. Will add more later :-)
For the more interested -> Marathi Language

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