Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good Day, Bad Day

Was today as bad for you as it is for me?
Lost were you or
found your way to nowhere
Strangers giving directions
and close-ones clobbering up there
Fight did you to break shackles
or lie down calm despite the ruckus

People gone by and times flowin fast
it appeared like a blast from the past
Blast it did - my mind and my brain
still figuring if it was wind or rain
You on the outside
or sheltering me inside?
Blinding as it was the unmerciful terrain

To stay or give up
you could choose
Whichever you pick, you won't lose
For I have traded your bad days with my good
Your losses with my wins, so you stay cool.

Never will another day be bad anymore
The bad's been traded for hope, laughter and more.

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