Thursday, April 14, 2011


Even if I dont speak the words...
when my heart skips a beat,
when my eyes sing and dance,
when I giggle and laugh,
when I shiver and retreat,
Or when I just hold your hand

I hope you hear me say ... I Love You ...
in many different ways... (sometimes not on all days :P)...
But I Do.. Muah.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Itane RaavaN, Kitane Raam

किस रावण की काटूँ बाहें, किस लंका में आग लगाऊँ। 
दर-दर रावण, दर-दर लंका, इतने राम कहाँ से लाऊँ

The current situation of Indian Politics and Democracy in this country !
Takes another Gandhian to wake this nation up (me included) to do 
something about it !!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

On a song....

आज फिर जीने की तमन्ना है....
आज फिर मरने का इरादा है....
