Monday, March 18, 2013

I suddenly had to revisit my theory of SoulMates !
Thanks to a show I do not care to give second thoughts to... Sex and the City !!

Well, this lady questions the concept of soul mates.. she asks...
'If you love someone and it didn't work out does that mean that they weren't your soul mate? Were they just a runner-up contestant in this show called happily ever after?' 

Is this a concept far from reality... something that someone idealistic, perfectionist thought of and is now building pressure on every thinking human being to find the perfect fit ?! Is there a perfect fit after all? Don't all relationships have their fair share of adjustments and compromises?  But that is a topic for a different discussion altogether.

Coming back to soul mates... can this one person take you to Eden where there are no fights, no resentments, no adjustments but only joy and happiness? For that matter, can one's own self be your soul mate? Technically - 'yes', but the emotional aspect of it says 'no'. Are we always happy with what we are? Ofcourse not, and if we were I would consider that unnatural. Cos human being's are always a work in progress...  

So.. if we cannot be our own soul mates, can we expect to find one outside of us?

I think the concept started out correct but was lost in translation. Soul mate is not a perfect person or a perfect relationship - I think it is being with someone who accepts you the way you are and makes it look perfect.... bringing in the happiness quotient. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

A week of lost & found

Crazy week this one.. never happened things happening...

Dropped my purse one afternoon on my way to catch some lunch.
Thankfully a good Samaritan returned it and I was DELIGHTED !!

Then today.. forgot my cell some place.. looked for it whole afternoon..
finally found it and more sound than I needed :)

Been a week to start believing in the good in people I guess !!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Age Risk

Wonder why our appetite for risk goes down as our age goes up !
I think it should increase as we grow in life.. with experiences, emotions, 
material wealth, success, fame even!

Agreed, we have a quite some to lose if the consequences are not thought
through.. but the experiences we gather by age should help us take 
calculated risks with confidence. That though is not always the case and hence a reason to blog about it !